Saturday, September 26, 2009

Email from Walnut Hills Civic Association Chairperson on the Costilla I-25 Underpass

From: Andrea Suhaka <>
Date: Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Email from Centennial on Costilla Underpass
To: Suhaka Andrea <>

The City of Centennial has received a number of inquiries about a preliminary plan to add an underpass of I-25 at about Costilla Ave. to help relieve traffic on Arapahoe and I-25. The following explanation is offered to all who are interested as a factual representation of the history and the upcoming Environmental Assessment public process required for this project.

The concept of constructing a new grade separation (underpass) south of Arapahoe Road was proposed in a feasibility study led by Arapahoe County about two years ago – in partnership with the cities of Centennial, Greenwood Village, Foxfield, Aurora and the Colorado Dept. of Transportation (CDOT). The true focus of the feasibility study is to reduce the current congestion at the Arapahoe and Interstate 25 interchange. The study proposes diverting some of the traffic from Arapahoe Rd to the south, onto an extension of Costilla (on the east), and intersecting Yosemite St. at the curve just north of Alton Way. The study revealed that a significant number of vehicles would be able to avoid the delays now encountered on Arapahoe Rd. by using this new southern connector. A diversion of traffic is only one component to the ultimate goal of reducing the congestion at the interchange.

The next step in the federally-driven process will be to perform an Environmental Assessment (EA) following National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) requirements. This EA will not only look at the locally preferred options in more detail but also look at refinements or modifications to come up with a final approved alternative.

It is important to note that this public process has yet to begin and will take around 12 -18 months and will include numerous public meetings. In fact, at this point, we are in the process of finalizing the consultant scope of work for the EA. At the Sept. 14 City Council Meeting, Arapahoe County’s Transportation Division Manager Bryan Weimer will brief City Council on the intergovernmental agreement that is proposed to begin the EA Process. It is imperative that the City participate in this Environmental Assessment because it puts the City at the table so that we can voice our concerns during the process. The process will still go on without us if we chose not to participate.

After the EA is approved by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and CDOT, final design typically begins and right-of-way acquisition starts, assuming there is funding to do so. A funding plan is also part of the EA. All of these processes must be completed before construction could begin.

We want to assure you that we are in the early steps of the process with many more public meetings and input opportunities for residents, property owners, the traveling public, and regulatory agencies. Opportunities to comment will be numerous.

Should you wish to read more about the System Level Feasibility Study, you may go to:

To sign-up for the E-Mail Project List to receive updates and meeting announcements, send your e-mail address to the consultant responsible for the EA process

Note from Andrea: I will let you all know when the web site for the project is up. It is still too early for it now. The City has agreed to hosting several more meetings than the EA requires.


Andrea Suhaka (303-770-0058)
Chair, Walnut Hills Civic Assoc.

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